Bringin' in the CUSTOM: 2025 opportunities to work with me!

I am opening my 2025 books for CUSTOM work for the first time, officially, ever.
Custom work: She’s a hard nut for so many artists. For much of my career, I struggled to offer this kind of thing. I didn’t like the idea of someone telling me what to do. Or make. I didn’t like the pressure, and the timelines. The commitment to you was something I was really afraid of for a long time. But as I’ve grown, and my body of work is more a grounded voice than ever before, I think my snake-skin is shedding. My heart and mind crave more collaboration and community these days. My creative pursuits especially. I'm more organized. And honestly, I want you to have that piece you really really really really want!
I have decided to open up a few spots in my production calendar in 2025 for just this thing. I’ve put up a few parameters regarding what and how, but really, this is a great opportunity for your requests and dreams and pieces-you-wished-you-snagged-from-2018 slide onto my bench this year. It’s a great opportunity for me to expand on this collaborative itch, so I feel like this is a WIN-Win!
I’ve never formally offered custom work like this before. In all transparency, It’s always been a favor for a friend, usually that sits collecting dust for an abhorrent amount of time (Karen, Josie, Nancy!) or it’s a kind patron whose request was in exact timing with a sudden lull in my work flow, and it’s a damn miracle their piece made it out the door! This new way of organizing my work, thinking about collaboration, and hopefully executing some BEAUTIFUL new pieces will be I HOPE a great way for me to offer to you the opportunity to grab a ring in your size, a piece of stone you wished you owned, or a part of a collection that you had always wished would return. I will have the structures and deposits in place to make this kind of work a seamless process, a priority on my bench, and a much better system altogether.
I’m in. Are you?!
In the shop you will find a few slots for Receiving Custom Work in 2025. This is a $200 deposit for your end product, and will be taken off the total bill as partial payment. Depending on the project, a payment plan and timeline will be finalized as the design takes shape. Please note that I will still be me, offering only the kind of work I have done or am comfortable doing. I have lots of stones in stock. AND I have lots of collections bygone that I KNOW some of you are DYING to see revisited, SO! Let’s talk!
Once you purchase your custom listing, I will be in touch with you via email about those dreams in metal. I can’t wait to see what you all wanna have me make! This is I think the best way to keep me honest about my commitments, and a great way to get you what you always wanted.
If you have other questions regarding this opportunity, check out my FAQ regarding custom work in 2025. If you still need to chat, don't hesitate! You can always reach me at
P.S. My sincere apologies to the dead-ended custom requests that sat for entirely too long in years past. I am really trying to change how I see and do custom work. Please forgive the insanity. I have dusted my bench and have cleared my mind. I feel confident the new systems in place will help us both along this new endeavor in 2025, and I'm excited to see where this takes us!
XO Erin