FAQ on Custom Work in 2025

Custom work questions...


What can we make together?

Really, anything you have seen in my catalog of collections past, from this site or Etsy long-bygone or that one Instagram post from 2016. Potentially, this is the perfect time to build a ring to fit you, or to revisit a piece you had heartache over that didn't make it into your cart that one time.


How can I get in line?

In order to get on my books this year, I need from you a committing deposit, purchased HERE in the amount of $200.  This will act as a reservation, a deposit, and partial payment.  There are only a few listings available at a time.  I may release a few more spots as the year of to-do's clears!


What will my piece end up costing me?

Depending on what we decide to make, your finished piece will not cost more than generally what comparative pieces have sold for in the past. There is no 'fee' for this custom work, but I do require you to put a deposit down. Payment plans are always part of the collaborative process and conversation, so you will know before we start how much your project will cost. 


Do you want payment in full once we decide what to have made?

Not necessary but if you want to pay up front, that is fine with me! We can set up payment plans and options that fit your project budget and your calendar.  I'm fairly flexible here.  If we are expecting to invest in high-karat gold, I may require a larger deposit for materials.


How long can I expect the custom work process to take?

It really depends on the project, and whether the materials we need are available.  Please allow me a flexible time frame with custom work, but your piece will be finished no later than one year from date of deposit.  Hopefully this will never be the case, but sometimes the perfect diamond takes time to find!  If you are commissioning a piece for a special occasion and need it at a specific date, please disclose at the beginning of our work together so that I can make arrangements to accommodate your request.


What about something I have that I want you to repair? 

Unfortunately, I don't repair work that is not mine. If you need jewelry repairs made, I can send you to some reputable goldsmiths, but custom work is not for repair. If you have a piece of mine that you need repaired, please contact me.  You don't need a deposit to get on that list.


Do you take Grandma's old heirloom jewelry and remake it into something 'cool'?

Generally, No. BUT this is definitely a case-by-case basis.  Some stones and older settings are beyond my current capacity and scope as a jeweler.  Some stones are too valuable to be on my bench.  Some family Antiques are just simply too gorgeous to un-make and I just don't have the heart for that kind of thing.


What about something I saw another jeweler make that I want to have replicated?

As an artist who takes her creative practice and voice very seriously, I do not remake or replicate jewelry that is not from my current wheelhouse, and will never copy another jeweler's design without very specific permissions made. 


Where can I get some ideas about what we could make together?

I have a 'Gallery' tab of collections I've created over the past few years on the site that you can peruse.  I have an Instagram page with a pretty good feed of pieces past and current you can scroll through.  If you remember a specific piece but can't find the picture to go with, I bet I have it in an archive somewhere, let's talk! 


Will you set my Elk Ivories?

Yes, Richard. I will.