Shoot for the MOON: The very first of a series of in-house castings! Hand-carved wax then formed into a silicone mould, then formed into a wax tree, then formed into an investment flask, then burned out, then casted into the final SOLID STERLING MOON. Whuf.
I've had this process literally brewing in my basement for years now. Without a doubt, this was a huge push. I stayed up through the wee hours of the night (3am!) to finish this process, all of which were very new to me. I am very excited to start to dabble in the ancient form of lost wax casting as I can for the remainder of 2024. Only the stars know where this will take us!
Solid Sterling Silver Moon Crescent stamped with my signature on one side and a motif of stars, dots, and lines. Hung with 3 'stars' as charms on either side of your moon in the center of my favorite 'long & short link' Sterling Silver chain at 24". Each moon is of the same crescent shape, but each has its own textures and stamps, so please allow a small bit of variation in this series.